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Насколько хорош ваш IT-английский?
Каждый рабочий день в IT наполнен брифами, митами, ассайнами и иногда — факапами. Но хватит ли этого, чтобы выучить язык? Сможете ли вы, если понадобится, полностью перейти на английский в общении с коллегами и заказчиками? Давайте проверим!
Every morning in the office starts with a small talk. You overhear two junior developers talking about burning the midnight oil for the past two days. Chime in with a proper follow-up!
In a situation like this a good colleague would offer their assistance. If someone is burning the midnight oil, it means they are staying up late and working overtime. These guys probably need help getting used to the workflow.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
On the way to the daily meeting your co-worker complains to you that he is in over his head with this sprint. What is he trying to say?
In this context, when someone is trying to bite off more than they can chew, it means that he or she has taken on way too much work or responsibilities. “To be in over your head” has a similar meaning.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
By the way, what is so important about these daily meetings? Why do we still do them every morning? Choose the correct answer.
We need daily meetings to keep everyone on the same page. In other words, to make sure that every team member has the same amount of knowledge and the same kind of understanding about our current projects.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
During the meeting your team leader asks you to tell them about your tasks from the previous day. What can such a question look like? Choose the correct option.
Your team leader asks about the tasks from yesterday. “The previous day” and “yesterday” often indicate one of the past tenses in the sentence. In this case, it’s the past simple tense.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
Then they ask you about your plans for today: “What tasks will you be working on during the day?” Pick the correct answer.
There are several ways to talk about the future. In this case, you can use the present continuous to talk about plans that you’ve made in advance. For example, working on tasks and projects according to your sprint.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
You check your calendar and notice a new meeting: F2F at 14:00. This will be the second back-to-back meeting after a huge presentation. It’s probably best to move the F2F to another time. How will you communicate this?
When we talk about actions that will continue up until a point in the future, we use the future perfect continuous tense. It’s almost like looking back at the past from the future and thinking, “That sure is a lot of Zoom calls.”
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
You go through your issues and notice that in one of them the reporter wants you to use a rather inefficient solution. As you start explaining it in the comments, the proper word comes to your mind. Which one is it? “I understand that implementing this feature is crucial to the project. _________, the said featureuses a lot of memory.”
The linking word “however” is used to introduce an idea that is different from the previous one or contradicts it.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
While you were working on the task, an email appeared in your inbox. You already have a draft of your answer, you just need to adjust the language to be more business-like. Choose a sentence with the most formal style.
While chatting with your co-workers in Slack or Teams may be informal, emails often require a more professional response. This means no contractions, no phrasal verbs, no idioms or abbreviations.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
Colleagues suggest sending the bug to the backlog, but you see that it has a major influence on a critical process. How do you express your concern in professionally worded terms?
Professional communication is concise communication. Slang terms and metaphors won’t help your colleagues understand the gravity of the situation, but a brief and comprehensive response just might.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
Your friend, a senior developer, says this bug is just one of the many consequences of accumulated tech debt. What is it?
Tech debt is exactly what happens when the development teams cut corners to expedite the delivery. Technical debt makes reworking the code later more expensive.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
He seems to know what he is talking about. They don’t call him a rock star developer for nothing. Why is that, by the way?
Although this usually requires a unique skill set and years of experience, being a high-class developer comes with many benefits.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
The designers forwarded the mockups in Figma with a note saying, “Pixel perfect, please, thanks.” What does this mean?
In web design, “pixel perfect” refers to designing a website or user interface in such a way that every element is precisely positioned and aligned with the exact pixel values specified in the design mockup.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
You notice some panic in the office and ask a co-worker running past what happened. He replies, “The prod is down.” How do you ask him whether that’s true or not?
The verb “to be” does not require an auxiliary verb in the present simple tense. You can ask questions and make negative statements using only “to be”.
She is sad. → Is she sad? → She isn’t sad.
“It”, of course, refers to the production, as it is inanimate.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
After everything was fixed, some information in the app seems to be missing. In particular, the news tab is gone. How can you tell others about this?
“News” is a tricky word. It has an “-s” indicating that it must be a plural form of a noun, yet it is singular and uncountable. That’s why in the present simple tense, “news” is paired with “is”, “does” and “has”.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
It seems the best way out is to revert to the latest stable version. You can reassure your colleagues that it’s not a big deal. Choose the right option.
In the present simple tense, “has” is reserved for third person singular (he has, she has, it has). In all other cases, “have” should be used.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
During a retrospective meeting, you discuss the drawbacks of the week to see if your team can learn something from past mistakes. This is your turn with the mic — choose the right sentence.
You are talking about an imaginary situation in the past that didn’t happen. This calls for the use of the third conditional: if + past perfect, would + have + past participle.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
All others are sharing their results for this sprint. You want to throw in a screenshot too, but realize you don’t have access to the Miro board. How to ask for it as politely as possible?
The modal verb “would” is often used in conditional sentences, but we can also use it to make polite requests or ask for permission. If you don’t want to come off as rude, you can go the extra mile and say, “Would it bother you? Would you mind? Would it be OK?”
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
After the meeting, a colleague comes up to your desk and asks, “Do you have the bandwidth to help me with this bug?” Your work log is already full. Choose an answer that will help you not to stay up too late.
You are trying to imagine a situation in the present or near future. It’s not likely to happen, so it’s best to use the second conditional: if + past simple, would + infinitive without “to”.
Тест из реальных рабочих ситуаций
In English
The last question: when is the perfect time for release? Choose wisely!
Just kidding! This is a bonus question. We won’t tell anyone about your response, and it won’t count towards your final score